Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Closest thing I'll ever get to Winning the Lottery

Sooo I got some good news today.  I got a new job!  I interviewed for it yesterday and the owner e-mailed me and offered me the front desk position this morning.  It's very part-time.  It's actually only one day a week for 3 1/2 hours on Friday mornings.  From 5:30am-9am.  And it doesn't pay.  But I couldn't be more excited for this job because.....I get FREE Bar Method classes!!!! WAHHHOOOOOOO! 

As of right now, I pay $120 for unlimited classes.  The price isn't bad compared to what a personal trainer cost at my old gym.  And you still get that one-on-one attention that you would get with a trainer.  I was worried that once the 6 month bridal package was over, I wouldn't be able to attend classes anymore because it wouldn't be within our budget (I was getting them at a discount & as part of a special).  But now I can & I'm super thrilled about this.  I worked out a few times with a trainer before joining The Bar Method, and would definitely choose Bar Method over personal training any day.  That's just my opinion and based off of my experience.   

The studio is 5 minutes away from my regular 9-5, so this works out perfectly.  I start training next Monday.  

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha that is super part time but sounds pretty fun!!!
