Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Allergy Geek

Blah.  A few weeks ago I met with a hollistic doctor in Chicago.  I wanted a new women's health doctor that I felt comfortable with (my last GYN doc was a B), and who could help me find an alternative method of birth control beside the hormonal kind. (saving that for a different post).  We went through my history and after talking with me she decided that she wanted run some tests.  She tested my thyroid, vitamin D & some other vitamin levels and she also tested me for a gluten intolerance.  I told her about some symptoms I was having with certain foods and she wanted to be sure before she put me on any elimination diet. 

She called me last night with my test results.  Everything came back normal except for my borderline low vitamin D levels {I think a trip to St. Lucia is in order :-) } She also informed me that I do have a intolerance to gluten :-/  and  that she wanted me to start an elimination diet and pay attention to any symptoms I have after eating (If I eat GF, the should get better).  She told me that although it's not causing problems now, it could later on down the road.  

Fabulous.  And my grandma is sending me a package that I know will have cookies in it.  I think I'll still manage to have at least one ;-) I'm off to finish packing for WI then it's on the road I go.  I'm grateful that my mom has to be GF as well, she can teach me the "ropes" while I'm staying with her these next 5 days. 

Sidenote...Trader Joe's gluten free bagels? Not the greatest.        


  1. have you tried Whole Foods yet for Gluten Free things? not sure about the one in Chicago, but the one over here has a pretty large non-Gluten section. i recommend the mac&cheese! good luck to ya!

  2. Thanks! Yes I've been to Whole Foods for gluten free stuff. I took my mom when she found out she had to be gluten free and she was in heaven. So I'm looking forward to going back for myself :-)
