Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When Real Life Happens

You dont' have time to blog for two weeks...Oops!  Well I'm back just in time for the first day of marathon training, which should be interesting because my ankle still hurts from time to time.  My PT friend said that I should still be icing it since it's still a little swollen (two months later).  I'm going to give it a go and just see what happens.  There's always next year... 

So what's been going on in my world the past two weeks? 

26 days until the wedding, so lots of waiting around for response cards at this point and tying up a few loose ends.  Waiting is the worst.  We still have about 25 response cards outstanding and they're supposed to RSVP by this Friday, so I'm just a little bit annoyed.  More so at the people who we know are coming (bridesmaids & groomsmen). We need to know what to feed you people!    

I completed my training for The Bar Method front desk job & last Friday morning was my first day.  The training definitely took a lot out of me.  The job itself isn't hard, it's the waking up at 4:30am that's the tough part.  Training was about 2 weeks long and it completely exhausted all last week.  Thankfully, the 5:30am part is one day a week and right before my weekend off.

LC and I found a tenant for our condo in Milwaukee.  HOORAY! My sister's been living there for the past three years and has been an exceptional tenant.  It's been nice having her there because we knew there would be no problems and it was always nice having a place to stay when I went to visit.  I don't think the new tenant would appreciate me crashing on her couch for the weekend...My sister is going to Texas for some training and will be gone through November.  I will miss her dearly :-(  So for the first time, we are now officially "real" landlords.  Definitely not by choice, but the condo market is what it is right now.

I celebrated my last single night out with all of my ladies this past Saturday.  I had a blast & my sister definitely went above and beyond yet again :-) 

My wonderful bridal party & I
We started out in the community room in my apartment building.  We sipped on some cocktails, played some games & ate some Chicago style pizza :-) Perfect pre-drinking food.  After that, the trolley picked us up at around 9:30, we drove around the city, took some more pictures, went to Kit Kat Lounge & hopped back into the trolley.  Drove around some more & ended up at The Hange Uppe.  It was my version of a perfect bachelorette party. 

As far as marathon training day #2 goes, I'm supposed to run 3 miles today BUT with a heat index of 100 degrees, I maybe running it on the treadmill or going to Bar Method tonight.  For sure, waking up super early to run tomorrow.  Also, getting back on track with week with healthy cooking! We've been so busy that the past two weeks have been quick, packaged meals :-( I can't wait to cook something this week that does come from a frozen bag!!!  Good news is, I'm about 8lbs away from my 1st goal weight/wedding goal weight. I know that I won't lose that in 3 1/2 weeks but hopefully I'll come close. 


  1. ahh the wedding is sooo soon! :)
    No bachelorette party details? haha

  2. Good luck with the training!! Your wedding is so soon!!! im so excited for you!

  3. I went to a bachelorette party around that area too....there were so many girls out there getting married! :-) Yikes your wedding is so close! Good luck on your goal weight!
