Monday, April 18, 2011

Say it, Do it!

Now that I'm somewhat mobile, it's time to hop back on the workout wagon!!  Jess at Fit Chick in the City, suggested blogging about her weekly workout plan to keep herself accountable.  If I put it out there that this is what I'm doing, I'm more likely to stick with it.  The same concept as setting dates with your BFF, Jim (gym).  Friends don't break plans with other friends :-)

Monday: Bar Method-check!(I think this might be helping my ankle!!)
Tuesday: 30 minutes on the elliptical DONE!
Wednesday: Bar Method, hopefully (as of now I'm on the wait-list) Cleared the waitlist!
Thursday: 45 on the elliptical
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Bar method with my sister & shop for a dress for my first shower! (that counts as cardio)
Sunday: Rest

Nothing too crazy.  I want to ease back into it this week and maybe next week we'll amp it up a bit more. I go for my first dress fitting on next Friday!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see your pretty dress!! sounds like a good workout plan, i barely do one day a week haha
